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4 PIECES 2 SERVINGS HEAT - Medium to Hot

Lamb chops - or more traditionally goat chops in India - are a staple for any tandoori restaurant and one of our most popular items across the Indian brands. Hot with mounds of kashmiri chilli, bright, zesty ginger and the smokey tandoori char, there are seldom few occasions when these chops don’t hit the spot.

At home, we would recommend either getting your grill as hot as possible or firing up some good quality charcoal on the barbecue. However you chose to cook them, we also recommend getting some Tropical Cyclone or 4th Rifles thoroughly chilled to enjoy alongside them.

Serve with our Green Chutney.

This is part of our limited edition summer feast kit. Please select your delivery date at checkout. (August 9th, August 16th, August 23rd and August 30th)


Total : £49
Total : £98
Total : £147
Total : £196
Total : £294

Lamb Chops
Tandoori Masala
Green Chutney

Heat level - Medium to Hot

Mustard, Dairy
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